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It is fascinating that Scriptures written a few thousand years ago are so relevant and even anchoring for our businesses today; that applies to large or small businesses equally. The Scriptures should be an integral part when you develop your business plan, providing the stable guidance we need and seek in business just as it does in our daily lives. There are so many demands, so many facets and challenges, even perceived opportunities in business that its is easy to get off track, so easy to loose our bearings and our God perspective, particularly when we set about developing the business plan. In developing our plan, sometimes God wants, even requires, us to take a sep back from our business so that we can hear clearly from Him.

Following the word of the Scriptures is a conscious decision and should not be applied to situations or circumstances only when it is convenient. Again, the Scriptures are a part of our lives, or should be, whether we are addressing our personal lives or whether our activities are business related.

It is not necessary to deviate from or sacrifice your integrity in exchange for gain or to indiscriminately increase your bottom line (profits). There are references throughout the Bible that tell us God wishes to see us prosper. In fact, he is confident you will prosper when you follow his words. Jeremiah 29:11 puts it very concisely, “ ‘For I know the plans I have for you’ declared the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ ”

It does not seem that God is looking for us to make compromises that could ultimately harm us or harm others just to increase our profits.

When you are doing business with the Word of God truly in your heart it is easier to follow a sound and thoughtful business plan and to prosper. It’s not promised to be smooth sailing, however. There will be obstacles and possibly even setbacks. But you must listen for God and read God’s Word and prosperity, in God’s plan for you, will follow.

If you haven’t started your business plan for the coming year, you should start immediately to develop one so that when January arrives, you are set to implement it. Put God in that plan because “Come close to God and he will come close to you…” (James 4:8) Further in the same chapter, James admonishes us to “Remember, it is a sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” (James 4:17)

Making God and integral part of your business and your plans is crucial, even taking a stepping back to listen for his word. Develop a business plan with the core value of helping or enlightening others for the good rather than for greed. Use the Scriptures as a guide. They are one of your most important resources.

Have you started your business plan for 2022? I will be developing mine and using the remainder of the year to be still and listen for His Word. Do you use the teachings of the Bible and the word of God as your guide? Please feel free to leave a comment.

Take care and be blessed,

Ashley King

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